a secret is out of the bag
/In May of this year 2016, JAMA Journal of the American Medical Association published the report of a CDC Center for Disease Control study. Using records from 2010 and 2011, the CDC found that 13% of all outpatient doctor visits – or 154 million patient visits each year - resulted in an antibiotic prescription for the patient. Of that 154 million, 47 million – a little over 30% - were categorized as unnecessary because they were prescribed for ACUTE RESPIRATORY CONDITIONS which are mainly CAUSED BY VIRUSES – colds, sore throats, asthma, allergies, pharyngitis, bronchitis, sinus and ear infections.
UNNECESSARY AND INAPPROPRIATE prescribing of a really truly important medicine for humans.
PAUSE, PLEASE before choosing this method to cure you or your loved ones WHEN YOU HAVE A COLD OR THE FLU or for most of the related and concurrent symptoms. Did you know/not know that VIRUSES cause COLDS and the FLU and NOT BACTERIA???
Since colds and flus are mostly viral and not bacterial, antibiotics DO NOT WORK for these types of infections. Antibiotics destroy bacteria. THEY DON’T KILL VIRUSES.
Antibiotics are simply useless against viral infections (and fungal infections like ringworm) and because they destroy what’s beneficial as they eliminate what’s harmful, they are likely to weaken and derail our immune system as a ‘side effect’! Antibiotics are not the correct treatment for the 'disease' and even when there is some symptomatic relief - sometimes - that relief does not always or often last and patients can go round and round with continuing low-grade symptoms or ever-worsening levels of respiratory infection and defeated immune systems.
You SHOULD check your symptoms for the possibility of bacterial infection but symptoms are not actually the best determinants. Most sore throats are viral but if you have a sore throat is more than just red and shows signs of white spots or clumps, it may be strep throat which IS bacterial. Strep WILL resolve with an antibiotic but even then there are STRONG antibacterial formulas in our TCM pharmacy that WORK. Nasal secretions that are thin and clear tend to be viral while green or yellow mucus can be a sign of strengthening infection. Strengthening infection but still mostly viral and only rarely bacterial. A cold that lingers can develop into something more like a sinus infection where bacteria may JOIN the mix. But still mostly viral. A cold can develop into pneumonia. Pneumonia will usually be viral but CAN be bacterial. Antibiotic treatment for bacterial pneumonia is life-saving but it won’t save you from the viral kind. Initial, long-term and concurrent symptoms of colds and the flu are MOSTLY VIRAL. That's just the fact.
Is there ever a time then that you should take an antibiotic? To know for certain if there is a question whether or not an antibiotic is your cure, a lab test (cough, nose or throat culture) is the only way to know. It generally takes a day or two to grow bacteria in the lab which is why your physician may not take the time to do this test. A rapid antigen test takes 20 minutes and can be done while you wait in your doctor’s office. Its downside though is that it is only 50-70% accurate.
No matter what, PAUSE is still the most important action you can take so that you can consider your best course of action - and your right medicine.